Welcome to Elm class. Our class teachers are Miss McLaughlin (M,T,Th,Fr) and Mrs Archer (Wed). We are lucky to have Mrs Kelley as our HLTA and Mrs King as our TA in the morning.
Homework Expectations
Children in Year 5 should be spending 30 minutes a night on homework.
Please support your child to become more organised with handing homework in on time. This is to develop their organisational skills so they are used to routines ready for their transition to high school.
Monday spellings: Spellings are given out every Monday and the children will be tested on them the following Monday. Children’s spelling homework is to complete the sheet given to them. Children can practise their spellings online on the spelling shed (log ins are in their reading records.)
Friday maths: Maths will be set online on MyMaths and is due in the following Friday. It is essential that by year 5 your child knows their times tables off by heart. This is something that can be practised regularly at home on Times Tables Rockstars.
Reading – Reading should be done at least 3 times a week. However, lots of children are now reading over 5 times due to our new exciting reward system. Make sure to sign your child’s reading record, when you have read with them at home, to allow them to receive dojos. The table with the highest average dojos will be crowed the kings and queens and will get to wear a crown or tiara for the whole week! Check out our class page on the school website to see regular updates of our reading kings and queens.
Reading VIPERS at Ashfield
Thank you for all your hard work and support with helping your child to read at home. Whilst reading with your child, please use the question prompts below to practice the comprehension style questions your child is expected to answer in Year 5 and 6. Here is a copy of the VIPERS prompts we use in school to help us to plan our reading lessons. If you have any questions please ask as I am more than happy to help. Happy reading!
Vocabulary |
Inference |
Predict |
Explain |
Retrieve |
Summarise |