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English Intent

Ashfield Primary School provides children with key skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to enable them to access, develop, embed and explore learning across the curriculum. Nurturing a life long love for reading is at the heart of our English curriculum.


English Policy

Cartoon of Matilda by Roald Dahl "The books transported her to new worlds."

A Love of Reading at Ashfield

Our Amazing Library

Empathy Day June 8th 2023

Years 1 and 2 meet children's author Caryl Hart. The event was organised by Leeds Library Services specially for Empathy Day. Caryl read two of her books: Sonny Says Sorry and Thank You for the Litte Things. We played some games that helped us gain empathy and Caryl signed our books. Later, we enjoyed reading stories from the Empathy Lab list.

Otley Town Library

We are always made to feel welcome at Otley Library. Librarian Kate read Year 2 a very funny story and explained how the books are catalogued. She even shared a picture of her dog dressed up as Paddington for World Book Day!

Reading Cafes at Ashfield

We love inviting our parents and carers to our reading cafes. Curling up with a cosy book it is a great way to spend the morning and we got to read recipes to make a pizza bread and fruit kebabs. Yum!

Annual Reading Events: National Storytelling Week and World Book Day

Keep Reading!

Each class has a set of 50 books from the reading recommends list for their cohort.

Reading is Fun!

At Ashfield, we strive to create a love of reading and literature throughout our reading curriculum and extra events. Take a look below to see  the fun we have been up to across our reading curriculum!

Learning to Read at Ashfield

Early Reading 

Systematic synthetic phonics is taught using the Read, Write Inc phonics programme throughout
Reception and Key Stage 1. This is used to ensure the pupils are taught new phonemes in a particular order
using the four part lesson format: revise, teach, practise and apply. Whole-class teaching takes place on a
daily basis.

Individual and group reading books in the EYFS and KS1 progress according to their sound content. Each book is placed into a phase corresponding with the Read, Write Inc phonics programme used in school. In each phase, books progress by introducing new sounds whilst also revisiting previously learnt sounds. Pupils’ reading books are chosen according to their phonic ability.

By year 2, most children will have completed the Read, Write Inc programme and will be developing fluency, expression and comprehension skills in daily reading lessons. Children are matched with reading books based on the pace of their reading and understanding of the text. The assessment tool, PM Benchmark, is used to assess children's reading levels. 

As children progress through school, they are introduced to free choice of texts across different genres.  

A guide to how we approach reading, and how you can help your child with reading, is set out below. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions about your child's reading development. 

Developing Reading Skills

Reading Vipers

We have recently introduced the Literacy Shed's 'Reading VIPERS' in our whole class and small group teaching of reading. The ‘Reading VIPERS’ approach helps to develop specific key comprehension skills and enables the children to become more successful readers. 

Please have a look on the link below for more information.


Individual Reading


Learn to Write at Ashfield

At Ashfield, it is one of our prime aims for children to develop a love of writing throughout their journey with us. We aim for children to be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas creatively, developing a rich vocabulary from Early Years to Year 6. We intend to inspire our pupils with 'book hooks', quality texts that fire children's curiosity and charge their enthusiasm. We aim to inspire our pupils through high-quality shared writing opportunities where skilled teachers guide pupils through the writing process, modelling and guiding as they go. We strive for our writers to confidently apply their grammar, punctuation and spelling skills in every written task in a co-ordinated way. At Ashfield, we set high expectations for presentation and encourage children to develop a fluent, cursive handwriting style. We encourage children to edit and improve their writing and to take pride in their work. 

Our Writing Schemes