Attendance Policy
At Ashfield Primary School, we are striving to ensure that all children receive the best possible education and that each child reaches their full potential. In order to achieve this, it is vital that your child attends school every day and on time.
Good attendance leads to...good opportunities in life.
It is a Parent/Carer’s responsibility to ensure their child comes to school every day and it is the school’s responsibility to oversee the attendance on behalf of the local authority.
Reporting absences
Please telephone the office on the morning of the absence on – 01943 463341 and leave a message on the absence line Option 1.
Please note that if a reason is not provided your child will automatically be issued with an unauthorised absence mark.
If you would like support or advice on attendance, please contact Mrs Warren or Mrs Hey to arrange a meeting.
Medical appointments
Please make medical appointments outside of school hours. If this is not possible, your child should attend school around the appointment time. Medical evidence will be required for ALL appointments during school hours.
School day times
Nursery am session - 9:00am to 12:00noon
Nursery pm session -12:00pm to 3:00pm
Reception to year 6 - 8:45am—3:15pm
We will also be monitoring punctuality. If your child misses just 5 minutes every day then they miss 16 ¼ hours (nearly 3 whole days) over the year!
Children who are repeatedly late miss out on vital Literacy/Numeracy introductions. This can be distressing for your child and can put them at a disadvantage academically. If your child arrives after 9:30am, this will be recorded as an unauthorised mark.
Facts about attendance
Pre Covid, national average attendance was around 96%. At Ashfield, we are aiming for 97%. Anything below 90% the Department for Education deems as persistent absence.
Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less well in both primary and secondary school. All maintained schools are required to educate their children for at least 190 days (380 sessions) in each school year.
Table 1 puts absence in the context of the days children miss at school based on a school being opened for 190 days per year.
Number of days absent |
Equals attendance one school year |
9.5 |
95% |
19 |
90% |
28.5 |
85% |
38 |
80% |
47.5 |
75% |
57 |
70% |
66.5 |
65% |
Table 2 puts absence in the context of the days children miss at school over a six week period.
Number of days absent |
Attendance over past 6 weeks |
2 days |
93% |
3 days |
90% |
5 days |
83% |
8 days |
73% |
10 days |
67% |
15 days |
50% |
Table 3 shows the percentage class attendance for the week will be reduced by if one person is absent for one day for an average class of 30 pupils.
1 pupil for 1 day |
0.7 |
2 pupils for 1 day |
1.4% |
3 pupils for 1 day |
2.1% |
1 pupil for 2 days |
1.4% |
2 pupils for 2 days |
2.8% |
3 pupils for 2 days |
4.2% |
1 pupil for 3 days |
2.1% |
2 pupils for 3 days |
4.2% |
3 pupils for 3 days |
6.3% |
1 pupil for 4 days |
2.8% |
2 pupils for 4 days |
5.6% |
3 pupils for 4 days |
8.4% |
1 pupil for 5 days |
3.5% |
2 pupils for 5 days |
7% |
3 pupils for 5 days |
10.5% |
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, it is vital that you inform us on their first day of absence by 9:15am at the latest in one of the following ways:
- Via telephone: 01943 463341
- Via email:
- In person at the school office.
This needs to be done on each day of your child's absence.
School will require copies of unavoidable hospital or doctors appointments.
Nursery Attendance
Nursery education is a very important part of your child's development. Regular attendance is needed in order for your child to acquire and develop essential skills, establish good routines, increase their confidence and promotes social skills. It also prepares them for full time school. Please be aware that regular attendance at nursery is expected or your child’s place may be at risk.
Exceptional Leave
Department of Education Guidance states that Parents/ Carers do not have the right to remove their children from school for a holiday. If you do take your child out of school, the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Time out of school can only be authorised in ‘exceptional circumstances’ and should be requested in writing via the designated form which can be found below or from the school office.
We define exceptional as circumstances which are rare, significant, unavoidable and short. Unfortunately, not being able to afford a holiday in school holiday time is not an exceptional circumstance.
All requests are looked at individually and a decision is made on a case by case basis.
Please note that any time away from school for a holiday that lasts 5 days or more, a fine may be issued from Leeds City Council. The fine is set at £60 per child and per parent so for a family with 2 parents and 2 children this could be a fine of £240.
Please note that if a holiday is not requested but we believe that absence from school is due to a holiday, a fine may still be issued and it is up to the parent to prove they were not on holiday.
Exceptional Circumstances Leave Request Form
Attendance and punctuality
This is closely monitored at Ashfield Primary School. Letters are sent home to inform you when your child’s attendance is causing concern. You are welcome to contact school when you receive these letters to discuss matters.
If your child reaches 10 days of absence you will be asked to come into school to discuss any issues with Elspeth Warren (Headteacher), Sarah McLaughlin (SENDCo) or Karen Hey (Learning Mentor).
We are really proud of last academic year's 100% attenders: Rupert, Elliot, Charlie, Harry and Niall - well done!
Another special mention goes to pupils whose attendance had hugely improved over last academic year: Henry, George, Harvey, Lana and Maisie - keep up the fabulous work!
We play Otleyopoly in assembly each Friday. Each class that gains 97% or above attendance gets to play and has a chance of winning a prize such as a pyjama day, dress as you please day, tea with the headteacher, extra ICT time, board game time and extra playtime.
If your class achieves 97% attendance for a whole week then one member of the class will be invited to come and roll a dice...
What if it lands on Chance? |
Just like the other game, he or she will then move the class emblem along the same number of spaces as the roll of the dice.
If it lands on a “Chance?” space then your class will win a prize!
- 10 mins extra playtime for the class.
- Extra ICT time
- Non-uniform day
- Tea and biscuits with the Headteacher
- Film time