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Behaviour Principles

The Staff and Governing Body of Ashfield, insist that our children behave well.

Four children working round a table and smiling

  1. Our pupils make better progress when they behave well.
  2. Our pupils make better progress when other pupils behave well.
  3. Our staff can teach more effectively when our pupils behave well.
  4. Everyone feels safe and secure when pupils behave well.
Behaviour Principles
  1. The Ashfield Golden Rules devised by the pupils are:
    • Show respect
    • Be kind
    • Be honest
    • Try your best
    • Stay safe
  2. Good behaviour is rewarded, however intrinsic motivation to behave well is more important.
  3. Staff will promote healthy self esteem, a sense of purpose and enjoyment in pupils’ learning as this contributes to appropriate behaviour.
  4. The Home-School agreement will be reviewed by all parties. This will also happen for pupils new to school.
  5. It is essential that parents work positively with the school when dealing with behaviour problems.
  6. Extreme or persistently poor behaviour will ultimately lead to internal isolation or external exclusion.
  7. Rewards, once earned, are withdrawn only in extreme circumstances– the final decision will be at the discretion of the Headteacher.
  8. Bullying (including cyber, prejudice-based and discriminatory) will not be tolerated – see anti-bullying policy. Parents / carers will be informed. Records will be made of discriminatory behaviour and reported to governors.
  9. Child on child sexual violence and sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Parents / carers will be informed. Records will be made of discriminatory behaviour and reported to governors.