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PTA (Friends of Ashfield)

Summer Fair 2025

Summer Fair - 2024

We had a fabulous summer fair this year. Many thanks to .....

Friends of Ashfield is our friendly parent-teachers association (PTA). We raise money for the school by running events such as the school discos, Summer Fair, curry night, movie night and cake bakes.   

All students throughout the school benefit from the money raised. In recent years the funds have supported: The Mud Kitchen in Early Years, repairs to the trim trail in the playground, subsidising the cost of the coaches for end-of-year Superstar Trips, Hatch-it: eggs to chicks, Inspirational workshops in school in dance, theatre etc, books for all pupils at Christmas, Christingle oranges, leaving gifts for Year 6 pupils and much more.  

Ways to get involved:
  • Show support at Friends of Ashfield meetings which are held once or twice per term to discuss and organise forthcoming events. We also discuss how the school should spend the money raised. New members are very welcome and any support you can offer is invaluable, even if you can’t make all the meetings.
  • Suggest new ideas for events and contribute ideas; for example, do you have an idea for the next Carnival theme? The Carnival theme for 2017 was ‘Under the Sea’ and we had great support from parent helpers and the wider community in preparing the costumes. Ashfield Primary won the 'people's choice' category for the amazing costumes the children made and wore on the day!
  • Get involved with smaller working groups which meet when necessary to organise larger events such as the carnival preparation and the summer fair.
  • Helping at events such as the school discos, Christingle preparation, Christmas gift-wrap etc. If you don’t want to, or logistically can’t, get involved in planning or organising you can still help massively by offering your time at events at other times of the year. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into school. There are often little jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare; e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing Christingle oranges or preparing raffle tickets etc.
  • Share your talents with the school to help raise funds. Could you face-paint at the discos or summer fair? Can you bake – if so please contribute towards the several cake-sales throughout the year! Would you make a good Santa?! Can you paint/draw – could you run a caricature stall at the summer fair for example. We’re open to suggestions!

If you would like to get involved with Friends of Ashfield your help would be very much valued. If you have any questions or you would like to join the Friends of Ashfield mailing-list please email:



Friends of Ashfield Newsletter April 2023

Dress as you please for an Easter egg 24th March 2023

Easter disco poster.

Christmas Fayre Ideas

Sign Up Sheet

Halloween Disco

Newsletter October 2022

Letter to parents and carers October 2022

Quiz night poster.