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Welcome to Oak class.  We are in our final year of Primary School and are enjoying the challenge and opportunities involved in being in Year 6! 

Watch this space for news and photos of what we are doing.

Homework Expectations

The children will be set the following homework each Friday which should take 30 minutes:

  • Maths – to reinforce the learning in class.
  • Grammar or reading learning. 
  • Spelling – this could be an investigation into spelling rules, learning words with a particular phoneme, learning tricky words for a new topic or learning words that your child has spelt incorrectly in their general work.

Each night children should be reading for at least 10 minutes. Please explore your child's reading book with them and ask them comprehension questions based on what they have read. Regular reading with your child will greatly benefit their progress in school. If your child is a fluent reader, talking to the about what they have read independently is more beneficial.

Maths - children have individual log ins for this

English – reading, spelling and grammar  Year 5 and 6 – some children will need to look at Year 3 and 4  - children have individual log ins for this


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